The quality of the installations is our hallmark.

Integrated Management System
Inelsa aims for excellence through quality. Therefore SIXDIN was created, a system that goes beyond the simple quality management and encompasses all and every aspect within the company.
Quality and Environment
The Management also assumes as its duty and responsibility, the promotion and maintenance of Quality and Environmental Policies, filtering them through all the companies within Grupo Hedomin corporate structure so that all its members share the same commitment.
We collaborate in making compatible economic development with protecting the environment. We have the mission and obligation to guarantee a clean, healthy and flourishing environment for our offspring. We contribute to a sustainable world generating and consuming ou enegy from renewable energies.
Respect for the environment is part of the essence of Inelsa.
We are certified under ISO 9001:2015 in Quality, ISO 14001:2015 in Environment and Carbon Footprint. We are committed to the environmental specifications of the European EMAS Regulation.
We are certified under ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems).
Yearly, following the Integration Management System (Quality and Environmental Management Systems), Inelsa Solar realises an identification and assesment of all significant environmental aspects.
Occupational Health & Safety
Inelsa, through its Worker’s Manual, cares after its employees to perform their job in a safe and healthy work environment. Hence Inelsa promotes a working culture based on the prevention of accidents and any damage.
Our employees know and accept the Occupational Health & Safety standards and perform their duties accordingly in any processes where safety and health are at risk. Moreover, all companies within Grupo Hedomin comply with regulations in force for Occupational Health & Safety.
We are under ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System certification) and adhered to the Declaration of Luxembourg on the promotion of health at work.
We are under the ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System certification).
A solid and well trained work force is essential to deliver our customers the best service available.
We are committed to continuous improvement. Staff training and service capacity are two of our most relevant pillars. In our own Training premises and through agreements with different academic institutions, we invest in traing our workers.
To deliver service with high levels of capacity and quality, we spares no expense in technical means, computer or communication systems.